1. Strong Foundation, vision & Economic Fundamentals
iPerMart is a family owned business that is fueled in its conception by the
far sightedness of its promoters. Also known as Sharma Group worldwide,
the family has earned for itself a great distinction globally in the field of
export of gems & jewels, luxurious hospitality, art’ d fact, Handicrafts, real
estate etc. Prior to this foray, they have ably & efficiently helmed businesses
across this varied class of interests both in India & abroad & they now they
aspire to make iPer Mart a leading brand in grocery superstores in India.
While it’s offshore business headquarters are in Vicenza, Italy, Sharma
Group worldwide has offices in Spain, France, Germany, Portugal & USA
among other places. Its international brands include savoia, Dianoor star,
Lila Global, Shiv Vilas besides a chain of Indian brands like Jaipur Boutique,
Jaipur Mahal, and Jay Rasik Priya etc. Although the retail food business is
being launched with the opening of 4 outlets in Jaipur city, there is a plan to
open some 500 odd outlets all around major cities, districts, Tehsils in
Rajasthan & elsewhere in India.
2. Refreshing Consumer Experience
We are guided by a strong desire to offer enriching experience to our
customers through value buys, pleasing aesthetics & interpersonal
relationships. We believe in the adage “Customer is the King”& that it is
he/she whose visit to ours is a favor & not the other way round.
3. Strong bonding & Promotional Advertisement
Iper Mart shall endeavor to extend connect from a buyer to his/her family
through powerful incentives, promotions & advertising. We have thought of
adding value to their buys through sustained & emotively endearing
campaigns. Our slogan of Affordable Groceries & your household partner,
we believe shall be received well by our customers.
4. Locations, Quick & Fast Delivery System
Our supermarkets shall be a preferred place for their locations, great
ambience & quick delivery. Likewise, our 30 minute home delivery promise
is a winner anytime given the incentive for efficiency & recall is pretty high.
5. Large Product Basket & Great Pricing
All of our supermarkets shall have a wide assortment of products of daily
use. These shall look pleasing to the eyes by their placement on the racks,
packaged crisply & offered at the most compelling prices to the buyers.
Some of the temperature sensitive goods like dairy, chocolates, juices, butter
etc. shall be kept in neat & tidy looking chillers /refrigerators/ freezers
giving them a real fresh look & life. Our pricing is decided keeping in mind
the buyer sensibilities & market dynamics.
6. Customer Services
We are a hands on approachable management that believes in going the
extra mile for its customers. Our staff is trained in etiquette, customer care &
socializing apart from the fundamental aspects of social networking &
management of Grocery Stores. We shall also provide 24/7 help on our
website and through other social media platforms like Facebook &
Instagram through powerful messaging on health, safety, nutrition &
wellness. We believe all these measures shall create a great atmosphere & a
mutually respectable relationship with our audiences for a long time to
7. Highly Skilled Employees
Our supermarkets have ensured training and development programs for its
workers to improve their proficiencies. Due to the induction of some of our
value bars, non-monetary (employee of the month) and monetary
advantages (rewards and increments), iPerMart hopes to preserve the staff
member's motivation towards their work. The learning programs help the
organization to improve their performances and improve their abilities.
8. Strong & Centralized Distribution Network
iPerMart has decided on a centralized warehousing distribution (DC model)
that is a large warehouse, anchored to a very robust & supported by the most
modern technology & software. Aided by a well-oiled logistic framework,
we have enhanced capacity to deliver stuff to any of our stores on time
without any fuss or furor.
9. Advantage from earlier Experience
Our current engagement with supermarkets is drawn also from our
experience of superstores in Europe. We wish to replicate the flavor, the
quality & the experience here in India that is unmatched in its essence by
any of the existing supermarkets. Our stores are developed on an efficient
model of operations & management. Our decades old expertise from various
other businesses puts us at the top of the ladder in terms of sheer capacity &
10. Investment in Technology & Innovation
We believe that technology & innovation are two essential pillars of any new
business that can actually shape its future. We have invested in software &
hardware along with trained professionals to operate these machines in
order to optimize efficiency & output.
11. Goods Return on Capital Expenditure
Our investments made on research, development, quality and relationship
with vendors, partners, products and services & developing amazing stores
and investing on our employee trainings, we are confident shall return high
income streams in years to follow.